Dear customer, We are happy to announce that you have been selected to become the newest member of our exclusive SkyPriority panel! The SkyPriority panel brings together a group of frequent travellers who have experience with the SkyPriority services delivered to you by all SkyTeam member airlines. As a SkyPriority Panel member, you have unique access to a mobile app which allows you to share your experiences by uploading pictures, describing your journey and evaluating our SkyPriority performance via a very short checklist of “yes/no” questions. You can download the application here: Appstore: Google Play: You can login, using the following credentials: Username: xxxxxx Password: xxxxxx Thank you for helping us making SkyPriority even better! Sincerely yours, SkyTeam +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Iemand anders hier ook voor uitgenodigd? ik dacht dat er miles incentives aan verbonden waren zoals bij flying blue vlucht beoordelingen. Ik kan hier alleen in de app niets over vinden